Friday, October 1, 2010

The first week.

On the first day, after being accepted and I chose my arrival date, and looked at the cost of how much it would be to amtrak my car down. My mother decided it should be a good idea to go Target being they had sheets on sale.. needless to say, she bought me a week worth of sheets (as in 3 sets) and a comforter for 35 bucks. :) Then I found the towels I wanted, yet they didn't come in the color I preferred. She failed to mention she had bought me a set similar yesterday. I think she is more excited than I am.

I already started my packing list, I made it as organized as I can possible be. I feel overwhelmed and stressed already, between school flying by so fast that in 2 weeks I have 2 midterms already due. Only 116 days til arrival. Seems so far away, yet so close.. and I know it's going to come really fast.